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Nitrates in groundwater: caught between a rock and a hard place?

Nitrate concentrations in shallow groundwater in the Lincoln area were, by 1983, already higher than desirable for drinking water.


Consents can change!

Every few weeks I hear the same misconception - consent conditions cannot be changed. This suggests that many are unaware that changes can be made to consents, and it is often possible to alter a consent to make it work for you.  


Irrigation Annual Volume - Prove it or lose it!

Over the next ten years a huge number of new groundwater take consents will need to be obtained to replace expiring consents. Is yours one of them?


Shallow Groundwater – A Threat and an Opportunity

Cantabrians are acutely aware of the damage caused by liquefaction during the 2010/11 earthquakes. While most of this damage occurred in urban areas, rural areas were also affected, depending on groundwater depth and soil properties. 


Out of sight, front of mind

Groundwater has been referred to as the hidden resource because it is usually “out of sight, out of mind”.


Regulatory changes. Will these help farmers?

The coalition Government are changing the Resource Management Act and some of the key documents that govern how we manage our water resources. 


Water storage: options for maintaining and growing resilience

Irrigation water supplies have been under pressure this summer, with the government classifying Canterbury and a number of other regions as being under drought conditions.


How fit are your consents?

Resource consents play a crucial role in the operation of most farming businesses. They’re the cornerstone of our operations and enable us to carry out activities to make the most of our land. 


Beware the long tail!

Climate scientists and weather forecasters have indicated that this year’s El Nino is likely to be quite different to previous summers such as 1997-98 and 2015-16 due to the current combination of conditions in the Pacific.


Will water related consenting get easier?

Farmers recently involved with applying for consents have found there has been an increase in the difficulty and complexity of the process. 


Irrigation New Zealand Graduation and Awards 2023

Congratulations to Rose Edkins and Ian McIndoe. Rose received her NZ Certificate in Irrigation Design and Ian was awarded the NZ Certificate in Irrigation Design Recognition.


MyIrrigation (powered by SCADAfarm)

MyIrrigation (powered by SCADAfarm) is a water management platform providing improved water management, analysis and compliance using a cloud-based system and monitored via your device.

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Ashburton: +64 3 307 6680
Hastings: +64 6 873 404
Cromwell: +64 27 457 0415

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